Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Spiderman dan Coca Cola

Lelaki Lelabah
Thor Son of Odin

Bukan Pinggan Star Wars
The Simpsons
Poster Promo Movie
Iron Man 30 tahun
Superman oh Superman.....
Dua Kawan Baik

The Outer Limits

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Batman & George Perez

"It is said that all British classic actors sooner or later play either Hamlet or Lear, the Shakespearean roles that define the limits of their craft. Similarly, it seems that all modern comic book artists, at least those of the post-Jack Kirby generation must eventually face the challenge of interpreting the comics’ darkest icon, the Batman. George Pérez has been universally acknowledged for more than a decade as one of the field’s masters and here, at last we have his version of the Dark Knight and his protégés, Robin and Nightwing. These pieces, three of which have never appeared anywhere before, abundantly display that talent that has earned George his popularity: his sense of graphic design, his dynamic composition, his ability to infuse static images with a sense of movement and drama. George has met the Batman challenge with his own unique élan and style, and the drawings in this portfolio represent both the Batman and George Pérez handsomely."
Dennis O’Neil 1990
Monday, June 28, 2010
Galeri dan Rumah Kelahiran P.Ramlee III

Galeri dan Rumah Kelahiran P.Ramlee II

Rumah beratap nipah berlantai papan ini telah dibina oleh ayah P.Ramlee iaitu Puteh bin Karim bersama-sama dengan bapa saudaranya Rejab bin Hussain pada tahun 1926. Asal kayu rumah ini dahulunya adalah daripada rumah di Lorong Yahudi yang telah dirobohkan kerana kawasan ini digunakan untuk pembinaan kuartes kerajaan. Bapanya telah membina kembali rumah ini di Caunter Hall (sekarang Jalan P.Ramlee).
Rumah ini telah pun dibaiki oleh bapa saudaranya di zaman pendudukan Jepun pada tahun 1948. Rumah ini kini telah di baik pulih oleh Arkib Negara
P.Ramlee telah dilahirkan di rumah ini pada 22 Mac 1929. Selepas habis pantang selama 44 hari P.Ramlee telah dibawa ke rumah ibubapanya di Kg. Jawa. Walau bagaimanapun beliau sering berulang alik ke rumah ini sehinggalah beliau meninggalkan Pulau